Poster Presentation Australasian RNA Biology and Biotechnology Association 2024 Conference

 Reference Materials Traceable to SI units for RNA Quantification Harmonisation  (#156)

Leo Dr Pinheiro 1
  1. NMI Australia, Sydney, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia

The COVID-19 as an infectious disease pandemic highlighted the need of assessment tools for the multitude of test kits used which led to a large number of indeterminate results and repeat analysis. RNA was the target nucleic acid used for the diagnostic tests used during COVID-19 pandemia. The Availability and/or rapid development of traceable reference materials would have allowed a more robust comparability of tests sensitivity when it was most needed. Here is presented important aspects of the development and production of RNA reference materials traceable to International System of Units (SI) applicable to quantification harmonisation for RNA research and infectious diseases diagnostics.